Kris and I, along with every other waygook in Korea, search out Korean festivals like it's the most important thing we can do in our spare time in Korea. Which basically it is. Before I even came to Korea though, I knew about one festival. Mud Festival. And I wanted to go. Pronto. When I got to Korea, I found out I missed it by a month. Well, a year later, here we are at MUD FESTIVAL! We almost couldn't go because of the stupid stupid bus system and times they went there. Anyone realize it's foreigners who go to these things and we all teach until 5pm? We can't exactly take the last bus out at 2pm if we're TEACHING! oi. Anyway, we made it, for a few hours because we couldn't miss band practice later that evening. I recommend this festival to every single person who is in Korea in July. It is worth every penny. Well, it would be if we paid for it, but it's free.
Mud Festival actually happened the Saturday before China, but because China is awesome and I already posted the videos for mud festival (check facebook for them. As-sa! - hope you remember what that word means Mom. I will quiz you on your Korean later...) I figured China was more important to post first (and I simply forgot to talk about mud fest so I guess I really didn't think about posting China first...I did it and then realized I didn't post mud fest yet. My bad) Anyway, enough with the randomness. Here's mud fest. It was raining.

Part Two: MUD PIT! Photographers were all over us in this thing. And everywhere really. Sure, they were all over a lot of people, but for some reason they like to focus on me and Kris. Maybe it's because we do stupid things. Like tackle each other with no mercy in the mud pit, practically drowning each other. Or maybe it's because we look attractive covered in mud.
Part Three: Go down the mud slide that actually had sand mixed in it and say ouch in pain the whole way down because the sand is rubbing against your skin and you were stupid enough to go down on your stomach so now your stomach is red underneath all that mud. But since you can't see the red, it doesn't matter. The pain will go away quickly. Then, take a picture before the rain washes the mud off you.
Part Four: Get painted with coloured mud, get an interview, go to another tent and have the photographers dictate a photo shoot for the next long while because they think you make for good pictures.

Part Five: Have a TK Awesome photo shoot chain. But I'll only post one here.

Part Six: Wash off in the huge ocean waves. Forget it's salt water, open your eyes underwater and lick your lips because you are just that stupid. Yell at yourself for forgetting it's the ocean and then proceed to wash off the mud. Find someone's bathing suit shorts in the ocean and look around for who the owner might be. I mean, it's got to be obvious whose they are right? Get the whistle blown at you for going too far into the dangerous water which I'm pretty sure they would never allow anyone to swim in under normal circumstances, but since it was mud fest and we had no other way to wash off, they just patrolled the beach with so many police and lifeguards that it would've been impossible for anyone to do anything stupid.
Part Seven: Tell the taxi driver "bus terminal" and have him take you to the one the next town over even when we POINTED to the one we wanted and he says "no bus terminal". Get to the other one and be told that we should've gone to the last one. Make a huge fuss about it because the taxi driver was stupid and just wanted more money, but get lucky because the bus wasn't full when it stopped at that station. Remain mad at the taxi driver until this day. If I ever see him again, I am getting my 10,000 Won back whether he likes it or not!
Part Eight: Show the video to everyone at band practice and then post it on the internet. As-sa!
Part Nine: Laugh at Mom because I guarantee she doesn't remember what as-sa means!
Um, I think they like photographing you because you're young blonde female Caucasians (or at least close).