So first up is proof that I didn't come to Korea and NOT make gimbap. I convinced my school to let me teach a cooking class with my grade three students. The school agreed, but said no oven. That left very little to work with so we made gimbap. Which I've always wanted to make anyway so this was a good excuse! I'll talk more about it in another post once I organize those pictures and videos, but here's two pictures!
Sam and I continue to bike and take pictures. Sometimes separately, sometimes together. This time, biking and photo lesson. I really look forward to these days. It's so nice to just forget about everything for a few hours and just bike and bike (and let me tell you, we bike. I've never biked so much in my life).
These were taken about half way to downtown Gwangju.
Can someone tell me what Anguilliformes food is? We're thinking a really bad Korean-English translation...

Ok, this should be AFTER Brian's going away party, but they ended up here. Sharon left Korea after five years teaching here. She is heading for new adventures, but for now is home in Colorado. We miss her so much and it's only been a week. The four of us are like glue when we're together at worship practice, church, dinners, and who knows what else. I'm not sure what the other Korean's think about us. (Sharon is second from left)
Mary, a new English teacher, and Cherrah came down to Unam Dong for dinner with Kris and I one night. BR run after. Yum.
Heejae was playing at a Jazz bar one night and I practically begged him to let me come along. He told me it was late at night. Like 10:30 or 11:30 start time. I told him I was a big girl. He said okay. Apparently I wasn't as big as I thought because by 1pm I was falling asleep (I have good reason...lack of sleep prior nights). The concert was awesome, I met some crazy-good musicians all of whom were scared of me. Except Heejae's guitar teacher who would say random English sentences. He was...interesting, to say the least. But Heejae and I had a good time when he wasn't playing (we witnessed a very bloody brawl on the way there. I thought the guy covered in blood would attack our car) and I got home a 2am. I was dead.

A friend of mine from church (Jin, if you remember him) remembered that I wanted to go waterskiing sometime. He took Kris and I last Saturday. More money than I'll ever pay again for it, but it was so worth it. I went wakeboarding after too...only because I saw another guy go and I was so better than him and had to show him up. Why do I have to do that all the time? I don't know. It just gives me pleasure beating guys at things and since I'm good at it I do it far more often than I should. And that is why I don't have a boyfriend. Guys don't mind being beat by me. Boyfriends do.

Church was a massive worship service with the Korean and Chinese and English services of our church all combining as one for the day.
This picture is not supposed to be here. It's supposed to be one of me and the Canadian flag. Basically the story is, we were told to hang them up. By the end of the service, they all fell down. Whoops.

The next day. His last service. We took a group picture. Here's all the people:
L-R: front row - Jeong Jay Yoon (AKA: Jay), Brandon, Charles, Brian, Michelle, Charles kid and Rachel.
L-R: Back row - Grace, Kim Dae Shik, me, Joel, Sharon, Kris, Oh Cheong Hyeon (Kyle)
The restaurant my VP, Principal, co-teachers, and random other dude took me to as a farewell lunch for me on Tuesday. It was SO sweet. They said all these speeches about how they wish I was signing on again because the students love me and I'm awesome (paraphrasing, but that's basically the gist of it), but since I'm not, they wish me the best in the future.
The restaurant in Yaksu that my workshop teachers took me to today.
Samseo grade two kids are probably the sweetest kids ever. They planned a party for me our last class together and I came into the classroom (late because I forgot about the class time change and a student had to come get me. Great ending Tara.) to this message on the board.

I would like to take the time at the end of this post to say an early Happy Birthday to my wonderful father whose birthday is on Sunday where he will celebrate turning really old in Seattle! Which brings me to my second congratulations to my favourite cousin Dennis who is getting married on Saturday in Seattle! I am so upset that I am not going to be there, but I wish him and Linda all the best and that everyone arrives there and back home again safely!
Peace out yo.
Anguilliformes - is an animal classification order of fish - eel