- I have eaten way too many crazy things I've never thought I'd eat before in my life. Tonight as I was munching on caterpillar cacoons (they have grown on me) and slurping blood soup I remembered that I hadn't said anything about food probably since my first couple posts. I love Korean food. I'm going to miss it so much when I leave. I am addicted to Kim chi. When Kris and I eat out for Korean food, she polishes off the bean paste and I eat all the Kim chi. Between the two of us we make Koreans stare in awe while the waiters bring out more and more Kim chi and bean paste. mmmm tasty! Oh wait. I just remembered I think I said something about eating raw everything here. I had more raw crab the other day. Out of the raw food, raw crab is probably my favourite. Only because of the sauce the put over the crab though.
- Last post I posted that I thought my heel was broken (I was exaggerating). I went to the doctor and turns out I have an inflammed achilles tendon. It sucks. I've been going in for electro shock therapy for a week and bit now plus taking med's. It's not heeled yet so he gave me extra med's to take with to Vietnam. I hope it gets better soon because I still can't wear running shoes without it hurting badly.
- I also leave for Vietnam in TWO DAYS! (lies. I wrote most of this blog two days ago. I now leave TONIGHT at midnight to catch my plane at 10am in Incheon tomorrow morning!) I am so excited...but I will admit I'm nervous. I feel like I forgot to do something with the trip planning so I keep giving myself a headache running everything over in my head to make sure we did everything. Doesn't help that we're doing our trip VERY spontaneous like. We only have actual plans for the first two days. Everything else is come as it happens. Best way in my opinion (I HATE things to be planned to a T), but also makes me worry a little more. Unpredictable is what I'm going for though so I guess that's what I'm getting!
um, I think that's all with the updates for now.
Last weekend I went to Seoul. Best Seoul trip in 2010 (ahaha. Only Seoul trip in 2010 thus far).

Cindy and her boyfriend Chul Min who cooked us dinner (SO GOOD!) and introduced us to his totally awesome friends. We had a lot of fun that night. One of his friends played piano too so me and him rocked out on the piano for a while playing cheesy duets. That's the first time I've played piano since I left. I missed it so much! I wish I had a piano in this apartment... too bad Chul Min lives in Seoul or I'd go to his place just to play!
Today we had the last day of Middle School camp which meant....TALENT SHOW! The teacher all sang and danced to "hot and cold" by Katy Perry. Unfortunately Kris forgot her camera and mine only had seven minute of video and we had to save it for Kris and my personal performace later on. So, you don't get to see that one. However, Kris and I sang parts of two Korean songs as jokes for the kids and then danced and sang Karaoke to "Stop" by Spice Girls. I learned the lyrics the night before and knew it perfectly, but forgot some during the performance. Luckily the kids didn't know I made some up. Only the one time when I totally blanked did they know I forgot the words. I posted them all on facebook so if you have access, check them out. The kids loved it. My favourite boy, who is also the best at English, also danced to a song. It is also on facebook. Enjoy!
Now I have to go pack or else I won't make my bus to Incheon and that would suck. I haven't even thought about packing yet. oops.
Is that you on the front cover????!!!! Is that why you have a copy and posted it? Aunt Agnes
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry but I love you, da geojitmal. Iya mollasso, ijeya arasso, nega philyohae!
ReplyDeletenot the front cover, but it sure is me.
ReplyDeleteOK, so I'm surprised nobody else has commented! Your becoming famous! Congrats Tara! Aunt Agnes