The adventue begins Friday when I had more issues getting to guitar lessons. Heejae likes to change the location on me and the buses like to work against me. Eventually though I made it to his place with a little help from him waving and yelling my name out of his 13th floor apartment for all Korea to hear. But alas, I to there only 15 mintues late. My hour lesson turned into an hour and half because he spent half the time showing me all his totally awesome effectors and recording system... Stanley, you would be jealous (but really you won't, because you never read this so you'll probably never know about it). Then I ended up staying an hour and half after that because his girlfriend made Hotteok which is so bad for you, but oh so tasty and because his Mom came home and was interested in me so I had to feed her curiousity. Plus, you can't go to a Korean's house and not get fed and have to stay for a few hours at LEAST. Which reminds me, Thursday I went to Hyung Gin's house and her Mom made me...crap, I can't remember the name of it. It is pork though. Starts with an S. hmmm. Maybe I will remember later. Anyway, they found out how much I love Kimchi so I got Kimchi cake and a whole head of Kimchi to take home. Now I tell people I made it. They don't believe me. I wonder why...?
Saturday I spent the morning downtown trying to find sunglasses with Kris which is apparently hard to do. You'd think things would be open at 10am.
At noon we left with Sam and Bryan for a photo shoot in Damyang. If you remember (which you probably don't so I will remind you), our church went to Damyang for a picnic at the end of October. We didn't go to the same area as our church did, but it was just as beautiful. Sam is a photographer and the most amazing one I've ever met. I am extremely envious of his camera too. (usually here I'd mention how Mom and Dad should be paying attention to that little fact, but every time I do that they never seem to remember I wrote something I really want in my blog and seem surprised when I say I'd love to have that. So really it's pointless to do that. Sigh.)
Anyway, here is a small sample of the 2000 (I swear he took 2000...) or so picture he took. He's giving us a DVD of them all later. There's about 45 on facebook too if you want to see more. Check them out.

On Sunday I wasn't expecting to have an out of the ordinary day, but I guess God decided that would be a good day to make things much more amazing for Kris and I and bring us into another network of friends. After we got lost and wandered around Pungnam-dong trying to find out travel agent that is.
Church was amazing. Like usual. Only difference was Brian (different than the one above...hence the spelling difference), our worship leader, told us that he wanted to talk to us after church. We figured it was for worship band because we had agreed a couple weeks ago to think about joining. After church we had to tell him we can't join until after we get back from Vietnam and Thailand since we're leaving in a couple weeks. However, their worship band was having a dinner that night and wanted us to come anyway. We already knew Stephan, Joel (pronounced Joelle), and Sharon, but the rest we either kinda know or didn't know. We agreed. So after church we went to our travel agent (we have to go on Sunday's since it's close to the church and expensive to get there) and figured we remembered the way from the last time we went. To save money we decided to walk. Well, Kristen thought it was to the left, I thought it was to the right. Who knew it was straight? We went my way, found an area that looked EXACTLY like where it was, wandered FOREVER before deciding every mountain in Korea looks the same and we weren't in the right spot. After two hours of walking we found a cab who got us there with a couple phone calls (no cab ever knows where it is). We spent 2 minutes picking up our VISAs and then realized we were a 15 minute walk from church. Church is right next to the World Cup Stadium. You'd think we'd remember something like that. So we went for hot chocolate for an hour before meeting the worship band for dinner.
Dinner was so fun! We got to joke around with those we knew and met a lot of awesome people. I love being able to have a network of strong Christians here and I'm so glad we decided to join. I can't wait until March now!
So that was my weekend. I just finished my first day of camp today. It was insane. I taugh all six periods. Tomorrow I teach four, Wednesday four, Thursday 2, then Friday we get to go on a field trip to Mokpo. Exciting because I don't have to pay! Or teach for that matter. Just have to make sure no kids get maimed or die.
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