It's raining today. It hasn't rained very much since I've been here. Maybe two or three real downpours and one or two other rainy days. The last four or five days have also been really really warm. I even complained about the heat on Friday that they opened all the windows in the teachers office just for me! The only two cold days were Monday and Tuesday. Even then I was still walking around without a coat while my students were wearing winter jackets. I will admit the wind was cold, but not cold enough to need a winter jacket.
I found out this week that the two camps I was going to be doing for the first month of winter vacation were going to be cancelled. One camp found out I was doing two camps and thought that would be too much for me so they asked another English teacher (go figure, it was Kristen!) and then the camp at my school ended up being cancelled as well. So I had a minor freakout because even though camp would be five weeks so we couldn't travel around Korea in that time (they're supposed to be two week camps) I would rather that than be bored to death for five weeks and not making any money at all. So Kristen told them about how disapointed I was (playing it up a bit) and they asked me to come for the last three weeks of the camp. I figure, better some then none right? So at least I won't be totally bored although we only teach 3-4 hours a day so I'll still be bored, but I'll be bored with Kristen and Gabrielle so I know it'll be a blast!
This week for my grade three students I had them presenting the posters they did two weeks ago in class. Since my grade threes tend to be very forgetful if there's a two week break between classes I had my co-teacher remind them to bring their posters. I knew a lot would forget or "forget" so they wouldn't have to present so I brought along chocolates for those that remembered. The looks on the faces of the students who realized they wouldn't be getting chocolates was priceless. I'm pretty sure they now know not to forget to bring stuff when I tell them to! I had students begging me all class for chocolates. Tough luck on them though because they didn't get any! My co-teacher thought it was hilarious that I did that to get back at the students who try to get away without doing the work.
Saturday I went back to Naejangsan Mountain with Laura who hadn't been there yet. It wasn't nearly as pretty as when we went two or three weeks ago. Many of the bright coloured trees all lost their leaves already. It was still pretty, but after having witnessed the mountain in it's glory, this wasn't as good! But that's ok. We hiked up to the top again even though after doing it last time I swore I wouldn't do it again! I seem to do that a lot.
I was supposed to be going hiking with the math teacher and his son (who I haven't met yet but his Dad tells me I'll faint at how handsome he is...), but that got cancelled because he had to leave for his hometown urgently. However, that didn't stop him from spending the entire lunch period on Friday telling me about his son whose 23 years old, 178 cm, 68kg and I'd apparently make the perfect match for him. Of course all this was said though Cindy since his English is limited. I'm pretty sure I found out more about his son then his son probably wants me to know. Actually, I found out more than I even wanted to know!
Last night Cindy came down to my place for a party of ice cream, pizza, and a movie. She arrived with a MASSIVE bucket of Baskin Robins ice cream and any plans I had of eating healthy left with when I saw that bucket. But first, I had to order pizza over the phone. I knew most of the words of how to order I just didn't know what to do if they asked me questions. Cindy just said to repeat myself over and over if that happened. So with my sentences rehearsed I called. Don't ask me what they said at first, but I figured it was "hello, how can I help you?" So I said, "Annyong haseyo, goguma pizza hana, ke re go, cheese pizza hana, ju sae yo" which basically means "hello, May I have one sweet potato pizza and one cheese pizza". Yes, cheese is the same word in both languages you just pronounce it "chees-uh" so that they understand it. So then my worst fears were realized and she says a whole line of something I don't understand. So I just answered "da" which is "yes" not really knowing what I was agreeing to. Then she repeats what I ordered (I understood that much!) and then says something else I don't get. So I go to Cindy, I have no idea what she's saying! and all Cindy can do is smile... so nice of her. Thankfully the lady spoke a couple words of English and I understood she wanted my phone number which becomes my second problem. What is my phone number anyway?! so after giving her what I think was my phone number we ended the call. When we got there I wasn't sure what I'd recieve, but we got what I ordered!
Then we rented S.W.A.T in VHS since that's all I have in my apartment and my sound card hasn't arrived from Canada yet (yep going on three months with no sound on my computer. Dare you guys to try that) and we sat down for some pigging out. I must say, sweet potato pizza should be brought to Canada. Next time I'm trying curry pizza. I can't wait! So we were stuffed but there was still ice cream which we almost made it through, but even Kristen couldn't eat anymore so we had to put that away (and I ate it for breakfast this morning).
After church today Kristen and I headed to the Gwangju International Centre downtown to see our friend Gabrielle at the photo show she was participating in. There was only one Korean participating in this months photo show and the rest were westerners. There were some really good photos there and the one Korean man had the sweetest camera ever. I'm so jealous! Anyway, there was all this free food there so me and Kristen spent half our time at the food table eating our free early dinner. Then when the offer came up to join some friends for an Indian dinner we had to refuse because we were full. And too cheap of course. So now I sit here watching tv. I'm not even sure what I'm watching since I'm not paying attention.
This week should be an easy week since I'm doing three days worth of speaking tests which means no lesson planning! With extra classes finished now I really don't have a whole lot to do. So yes, that means more bordom, but hopefully plenty of time to learn more Korean as well as figure out exact what we're doing for winter vacation and booking a flight. So far all we know is the countries we're going to, but even that's not set in stone as we might add a country to the list. Maybe. Who knows. We'll figure it out. Probably last minute, but it'll get done!
Haha. If you want to call dinner kitkat bars, crackers, cupcakes, and peperos. We are so bad... and so dutch!