Here's a picture show for you. Monday was Samseo Middle Schools festival and my co-teacher picked me up after my classes at Samgye so I could go to it. It was amazing. My students are talented and hilarious. Here's a small sample.

A group of about eight students played guitar and sang a k-pop song "I don't care" which is really popular here. So much that the students will sing it to you in class to try and get out of stuff. It never works, but they try. Kristen's taken to singing it to them as well which makes the students go crazy that she actually knows a k-pop song.

A bunch of students put on a skit which was about a carnival. A boy was showing a girl around the carnival and she was trying out all the different things. The boys in the coloured sweaters were the rides and inanimate objects.

This was that game you play where you try to grab the toy.

Dancing to a song called "superman" (a k-pop one. Not the one you're probably thinking of)

These are a couple of my favourite grade three students. The boy in the middle was progressively eating hoter and spicier foods. Here he's eating a jalapeno pepper. Students were going crazy over the stuff he was eating. I think I could give him a run for his money though...

My grade one girls dancing to a k-pop song. Out of all the songs danced to, theirs was the best in my opinion. They danced it for me in class last week and it was 100x better on festival day. I was so proud of them!

The boys all dressed as girls and had to answer questions. The audience then picked who they thought was the best girl. It was really only a competition between the boy on the far right and the boy second to left. I couldn't tell which of my boys they were at first either. The boy second to left won.
Although as you can see here he really got into his role. Some of them were pretty good at walking in heels too. They were high too. He probably walked better in heels than I can!
So that's my Wednesday school of 34 students. Between them they managed to put on a three hour production. I was impressed. At the end, like every other school festival, they brought out the karaoke machine. I had disco (my co-teacher) mentioning it all afternoon and how I should sing. I ademently refused, but when some of my boys told me they really really wanted me to sing I gave in. Let me tell you, when the whole school (student, teachers, parents, and siblings) suddenly goes dead quiet when the English teacher comes up to sing it's a little intimidating. Thankfully there was a song I knew well enough and was in my range to sing so I pretended I was at the norae bong with my friends and sang and danced. Yes, I put on a show for them. They were all clapping along and some were even trying to sing because they could see they lyrics too. Thankfully most of the people there don't speak much English so I doubt any of them understood a word I said.
In the end, the day was awesome. That will be my only school festival since Samgye's was cancelled because of the H1N1 scare. The parents complained so they cancelled it. Stupid parents. I would've loved to see Samgye do one. But, I got Samseo's so I'm happy!
P.s. I GOT MY SOUND CARD!!! I am currently listening to Christmas music. Almost four months with no sound. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I had it back!
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