Friday, September 18, 2009

Computers, eel and baseball!

hmmm so I don't know what to write about. Nothing too interesting happened this week. Just the usual. Getting told an hour before I leave that I was actually going to dinner with the teachers and I had no choice but to go. Had no way of contacting Kristen to let her know I wasn't being abducted (don't even start me on the getting a cell phone issue...), but that didn't really matter to the teachers. Found out that the menu was eel. Just when I thought I'd tried it all... It was quite literally every part of the eel. Including the backbones that were toasted...yes, I tried it. Just a bite. couldn't figure out why in the world someone would find eel backbone tasty though! the eel itself tasted like fish, but I'm not completely sure about the taste since I once again loaded it with hot sauce and wrapped it in a couple pieces of lettuce! Afterwards I got taken to this other place for beer. I quote: One teacher: " oh, you don't like beer? ok, drink this" *hands me a beer*... um...right. The teacher who took me to the dinner also left before me without informing me how I was getting home. He also left with my backpack. That had my keys in it. So after some confusing phone calling and the other teachers telling me nothing of what was going on, I eventually got my keys.... at 9:30pm. It was funny though, because the day before Kristen forgot her keys at her school and had to stay over at my place for the night. Good thing that wasn't the day the teachers took me to dinner because then I'd find her sleeping outside my apartment when I got back. Definitely a God thing. If either event happened a day earlier or later...
Speaking of things happening. My computer/korean technology have officially declared a silent war against me. I took my computer into school yesterday and they hooked me up online with a Dell Service Centre in Gwangju to look at the sound on my comptuer. Like I expected, they couldn't do anything. So I take it home. And guess what? the internet doesn't work. I can connect to the wireless at Kristen's apartment, my internet says it's connected, but it doesn't work. Go figure. Just my luck. So I don't know what they did to my computer, but some setting on the internet must have been changed so they could look at my computer online. I don't know much about that kind of stuff though. Now I am internetless for the weekend and spending my time at Kristen's apartment using her computer for the internet and webcam. Of all things to happen when I'm half a world away... I try to look on the positive side though. My school it great and the kids are easy to teach. My schools are in the countryside so I get away from the city every day which is amazing (since I've made my dislike of cities clear enough!). I've also finally been able to bake! just easy stuff since ingredients are hard to come by, but bake I have! It's made me really happy!
that's all for now. I'm heading back to my place to get ready because I'm going to a Kia Tigers professional baseball game today! It's Gwangju's team and they're in the top of the league right now. I'm so excited! I'll post pictures when I can finally access the internet from my computer.

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