I know what you're thinking... "Two posts in less than a week?!? Tara actually remembers about us poor people out here in Canada?!". YES, two posts in a week. Not because I love you all and want to update this though, but because I'm bored to death on this five day break of mine and have nothing else to do.
Yesterday I spent the day cleaning (and finding rotten potatoes that I bought last week. Turns out they were the source of the smell... no one told me they'd go rotten if I left them in a closed bag!), cooking, playing guitar for hours, reading about everything you could possibly read about in the news on the internet (pirates, Greece debt problems, neanderthals, junk food, escaped prisoners, the Blue Jays, NHL, and achilles tendons), grocery shopping, and finally getting to go out with my girls for coffee/tea/frozen yogurt at night. Today I'm talking to Marijka on facebook chat and it's awesome.
ok, so last week Kris, Gab, and I went on a leisurely walk through our dong and out to Jungoe park to see the spring flowers.

These flowers are everywhere! I've been picking flowers to put in my house, but I have to be sneaky about it because I don't think I'm technically allowed to do that.

Now that it's spring, you can see the bottom of the pond. My earlier thoughts of wanting to jump into it are no more. There is the thickest seaweed in the world down there it's disgusting! It's just as bad as Elim. If I had jumped in when I wanted to after a long run (although I'm pretty sure all the Koreans would have freaked out if I did) then I would've got the grossest shock of my life!

On Wednesday, the first day of my holidays, was a National holiday - children's day! So we all decided to go hiking at Mudungsan, Gwangju's mountain. Jae Kyung bailed on us just before we left because she slept in and Gabby, the new girl in our dong didn't show so it was just the four of us. We had tons of fun. I haven't been hiking in so long! It was well worth everything!

Some guy offered to take our picture together. He told us he was a professional photographer and knew how to capture a good picture. When he took Kris' camera though, he had it upside down and asked if this was the button. He was pointing to the tripod hole. So we told him he had it upside down and backwards. Professional photographer... HA! But in his defense, this picture is nice. He also met up with us later on to practice his English and he was really nice.

The bridge and an Adjumma's backside.

Onlookers were laughing. Probably thought we'd never been hiking before in our lives. We just love pictures.

It was beautiful! I kept picturing going riding along parts of the trail where it was actually possible to take a horse.

Eating our Gimbap lunch. About the best thing to have on a picnic! Gab had bibimbap though.

I picked and gave flowers to everyone and then put them in my hair. Joel said that in Korea, that means I am a "crazy girl". Crazy in Korea literally means crazy. She was a little embarassed to be seen with me after that.

The spring had the smallest trickle of water ever. We had to ration our water until the top where we could get more.

Pretending to climb through the bush at the top of the section we climbed.

There was a helicopter pad at this section and that's where we crashed for an hour or so. It was so warm and sunny. I got a sunburn (no surprises there). Korean's walking by would laugh the minute they saw us all passed out on the ground. Probably thinking that we didn't know the kind of dirt and bugs that were on the ground. Little did they know we were talking about how we felt ants climbing on us, but were too comfortable to actually do anything about it!

On the way back, Kris' ankle was hurting and Gab was tired so we went the gravel road way. This was part of the view on the way down. We could see Gwangju! It was beautiful! So that city way back there... I live somewhere in that midst! Apparently, to climb the entire mountain it takes eight hours to go up and down. I plan to do it before I leave although finding a willing companion is proving to be rather difficult and it's no fun to hike by yourself!
So now we are back to my holiday. BORING! but I guess it's better to be bored at home than bored at school. Why didn't I go to Jeju like I previously said I was planning to do? Couple reasons. One: traveling alone isn't fun. I like talking too much and I'd probably get put into an institution if I started talking to myself all trip... Two: I was so busy with lessons and school I didn' t have time to really look into where on Jeju I wanted to go. Three: I didn't book anything. Four: I didn't book anything because I was too busy freaking out about the May 3 deadline for what I'm going to do next year that I just kept putting off booking anything until I didn't feel like going anymore. Kris and I are going to take our floater day sometime in June and go though so it's not like I won't get to go ever.
So now, if you thought this would be an interesting post and you were thoroughly disapointed because it was only about a walk, my bordom, and hiking, well...I don't really care! It killed a bunch of time for me today so you can suffer through choosing to read my blog about it!
Time for me to go grocery shopping again since I forgot some things and birthday shopping for Kris whose birthday is in FIVE days!
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