Birthday Festivity: Part One - The combined early celebration

Birthday Festivity: Part Two - The surprise!
I am like the best friend ever. I planned a mini surprise party for Kris. Made her banana fudge ice cream cake, took over balloons and friends the night before her birthday and we had a mini partAy!

Birthday Festivity: Part Three - The dinner
Kris, Gab, Somi, and I went to Mi Piache for dinner on her actual birthday.

Birthday Festivity: Part four - Seoul
Ice (Our friend from Thailand that we visited while we were there in February) was in Seoul for vacation. It just so happened to fall around Kris' birthday so we went there to meet her and celebrate some more.... and of course to see some cultural stuff! We went to the Lotus Lanturn Festival in Insadong, Seoul.

"hey kids, watch this. I'm going to play around with this stupid American and make her think she's getting free ice cream, but really, I'm just going to joke around so that you guys can have a laugh at her. Make sure you laugh hard ok?"
Tara's mistake #3: For a split second I thought he'd actually give me a free ice cream. That was when he gave the ice cream cone, but since I wasn't paying attention, there was two cones and I ended up with only the outside cone and a kid ended up with the first cone and the ice cream. I almost threw the cone at him.
Tara's mistake #4: I stuck around.
He did basically the same thing again, but I ended up with a napkin and no cone. I wasn't impressed. Told him he was mean. He laughed, apparently thinking otherwise.
I refused to buy his ice cream. He didn't deserve my money.

Later that night we met up again with Ice (we met her for dinner earlier) and headed out for a night of super fun rockin' fun. I'm going to miss that girl. She's back in Thailand now. Bangkok of all places. Not a great place to be living right now. I hope you all read the news and know what's going on. Weird to think I was there a few weeks before this all started. The Canadian Embassy keeps sending me e-mails warning us to stay away from Bangkok. This morning I got one warning us to stay away from all of Thailand in general. I'm glad I went when I did because it's an amazing country.
Ok, this is the end of the birthday festivities.
Next up is my Monday at Family Land with Samgye. So fun. My school picnic this semester was an amusement park. Only grades one and three went because grade two is in Jeju for the week. So is Samseo. I haven't had many classes this week. Five to be exact. Usually I teach 23 a week. May has been a wonderful month for me. Next week it's back at it again though. ANYWAY. Family Land. I was the only non-korean in the entire park. It was amusing at times because everytime I did something stupid everyone would notice because I was the only foreigner there so I stuck out like a sore thumb.

Cindy has most of the pictures from the day because her camera is better. When I get the pictures from her, maybe I'll post them. There's so many funny stories from the day. I got only a small tan and was the only one not hiding under and umbrella all day nor a hat nor wore sun screen. I am amazing.
Summer is definitely here in Korea. It was 27 today. 31 and 32 the next two days. The gross bugs that I have been dreading since coming here are now entering my aparte. I am so disgusted by them. I hate grey fuzzy bugs and flying green cockroach-like things. Hee Jae called me a half hour ago and laughed and laughed and laughed when I complained about the bugs.
The good part about summer is baseball! My wonderful amazing sweet kind mother mailed me my ball glove. Kris and I went out to buy her one tonight and a ball. I am so excited to play!
My word/sentence/phrase of the week: 외톨이야. Try to figure out what that means. Actually, it wouldn't be hard. It's all over the internet. After you figure it out, copy it into youtube and listen to the song. In my head ALL the time.
Embarassing story of the week: I slept through my alarm on Tuesday so badly that I had less than 10 minutes to get ready to leave. Problem: I needed to shower (and subsequently blowdry my hair and straighten it), eat, dress, pack my books, brush my teeth. Yeah, right. Shower was out. Thankfully it was pouring rain all day and on those days my hair goes nutso anyway. I didn't have baby powder so I stuck some flour in my hair to try to make it look less greesy. Though maybe it's baking powder you're supposed to put in? I don't remember. Either way, it only worked until lunch. By 5pm my hair was disgusting. Thankfully my lack of classes meant I could hide in the teachers room. I blame the sleeping through my alarm to my alarm clock, which died. So now I'm using my phone because I can't figure out how to work my other alarm clock for the life of me. My phone alarm apparently doesn't have a sleep button because rather than sleep I push off. Bad idea. Hopefully this doesn't happen again in the next three months.
I feel like there was a lot more stuff I meant to post, I just can't remember any of it. Either way, this is long enough anyway. Tomorrow: HOLIDAY! the big man's birthday. Buddha. Happy old age. I forget how old he is. It said it somewhere.
Kris: HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY! "you're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker!" And while I'm at it, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Phil as well! Although I know you don't read this, this still makes up for not writing on your wall on your birthday. Adelle, you better tell him I wrote this.