Almost exactly seven months to the day I said goodbye - only off by one day - my Mom broke the news that Gem had suddenly died. No warning, no signs, no indication he was living his last day. An otherwise perfectly healthy horse dropped dead. My horse. My boy. My best friend. The one I told my secrets too. The one I cried on. The one who I enjoyed company with the most was gone.
the past seven months, whenever someone asked me if I missed my family I'd say "not really". Usually they were surprised and I'd tell them that I get to talk to them on webcam quite frequently and being able to see them and talk to them helps me not miss them as much as I would if I never got to talk to them. The next question would usually be "what do you miss most then?" My answer: Gem. I had three pets of my own when I left for Korea. My fish, Alex, died three weeks after I left. Dustie, my cat, I get to see on webcam and though I miss her, seeing her helps. Gem, I haven't seen for seven months. Now I'll never get to see him again.
That night was the worst night of my life. It was the news I least expected to hear. It's torn me up inside. I've cried all the tears I have. There's nothing left. The bond between Gem and I isn't something that can come overnight or even in a few meetings. We spent a lot of time together over the years. I know his every mood, how he'll act in every single situation, and what's best for him. No one knows him like I do and yet, I wasn't there for him in his last months. I regret that. But at the same time, all those years we had together can't be traded for anything.
I'll never have another horse like Gem.
Tara, so sorry to hear of your loss. Your last post made me cry and was so beautifully written too. Take care. Aunt Agnes