As we all know, Canada beat the United States in the Olympic men's hockey gold medal game. Being in Korea, that meant we had to wake up at 5am to watch the game. Kris and I went to Laura's place in Hwasun and along with Amanda we had an Olympic party.

Fast Forward a week.... GAB'S BIRTHDAY BASH! Kris and I threw her an awesome party. Poster signs on her door, balloons, cupcakes (that I couldn't eat...sad), awesome presents, and a night out with friends.
Unam girls hanging out at Seoul Train in downtown Gwangju.
Kris and I almost did a record picture run. I stole Kris' camera for the night (because mine has no flash. I'm going to keep reminding you guys about that. Maybe someone will eventually catch on and buy me a digital SLR...? I'm still hoping...) and apparently took hundreds. Becuase I'm awesome like that.
The second three coolest people at the party (Note: Kris and I are part of the first and second coolest groups. In case you didn't notice.) Our awesome personal photographer (yes, he's now become our personal photograher. No matter what he or anyone else says).

I didn't really take many pictures in March. Partly because we didn't do a whole lot. Ok, that's a lie, I did so much this month, but not all of it was picture worthy. Especially the school stuff. I have been so insanely busy this month with school I'm about to get grey hair. I'm not quite there yet. If I was, you'd start mixing me and my Mom up :)
Anyway, I've really enjoyed being back in school. I missed my students. They have grown SO MUCH! I can't believe it! I also have a new batch of grade one students who I have a love/hate relationship with. They are so polite in the halls. They do full bows to me (which the grade 2 and 3's have stopped doing) and still say "Annyeonghaseyo" to me. Which I reply "hi" they get a confused look on their face until they realize they're supposed to speak English to me. That's the love part. The hate part comes in class. They are so noisy! Every teacher has complained about them so it's not only in my classes. Both Cindy and I freaked on them last week and so many students apologized in their diaries for the day. I hope it worked. They also have a habbit of speaking to me in Korean. HA! Like I know what they're saying! most of the time at least. I know enough classroom Korean to understand some stuff. My problem is, if they say something in Korean that I know, I answer in English forgetting to make them ask in English.
One of my grade three boys is convinced I speak Korean now fluently and always jokes around by speaking to me in Korean. He's not the only one though. My devil boy from Sinheung is also convinced of it and says stuff in Korean, a lot of which I understand so when I accidently answer, he thinks I know more than I do. I really don't know all that much. Just basics. But once you answer once, they think you know it all. I need to work on NOT answering.
I am teaching two more extra classes this term as well. One being genius classes from all the surrounding schools. I start on Thursday and have NO idea what I'm supposed to be teaching them. I meant to spend all day today lesson planning, but Heejae invited me to a wedding of a friend and I really couldn't pass that up. The wedding was just as insane as the one I went to with Cindy and much better food than the other one I went to with Heejae.
Back in January, Kris and I joined the worship band at our church, but couldn't start until we got back from vacation. We've been in it now officially for about a month and have practice Saturday nights. My morning was spent cleaning my apartment since after the wedding Heejae was coming to my place for guitar lessons and I haven't cleaned in a while. Like, a long while. Probably since I got back from vacation really. I've just been so busy. No time.
I found real cereal in Korea! Cereal that isn't frosted! Healthy cereal! It made my month.
I haven't had the heater on since I got back. My stupid apartment doesn't heat properly so in January it cost an arm, leg, butt, and hair for that bill. There's a breeze coming from somewhere, I just can't find it! All the windows are locked, doors to the balconies closed. Where it's coming from I have no idea. It comes and goes. Maybe it's haunted? That would be cool! So yeah, no heater for me. Instead I wear sweaters and blankets when I'm home. Which these days isn't often. Last bill for me was 13,000 won!! About 100,000 won cheaper than January. So worth being cold for. But then, it's actually not that cold in Korea right now. Spring is coming!
I went bowling last Saturday with Samgye. My co-teacher runs the bowling club activities once a month and asked if I wanted to come. I gave up my Saturday and going to the blossem festival with Sam, Gab, and Kris to go bowling. It was a lot of fun. We learned proper techniques and my students kicked my ass. Cindy and I with four grade three boys. Two of which who bowl regularly. They tried teaching my properly, but I still failed. The instructor laughed at me a lot. Probably because he could only do so much to correct me seeing as he didn't speak English (other than 1,2,3 go!)
It snowed once two weeks ago. Enough for a snowday, but NOOOO my co made sure we made it to school. Took 2 1/2 hours and I missed first period which I was supposed to teach grade three. Though my school was so thoughtful and changed the schedule so that I'd teach them second period instead. lucky me. I still missed some of it though. My co said it was because they missed me (Yeah, sure. Another teacher probably just didn't want to teach their class).
There's more I could write, a lot has happened and I haven't exactly been blogging this month. After Gem died I had the worst week of my life. All the teachers noticed. I didn't exactly try to hide my mood (other than in class, although I think some students noticed as well) and kept to myself a lot. My co-teaachers knew what happened though and one (disco from Samseo) decided to tell all the teachers. The rest of that day I could feel the eyes of the teachers on me checking up on me. Maybe to see if I'd break down crying, I'm not sure. This past week though, I told myself I'd have an awesome week. Cindy's boyfriend Min moved to Germany to work as well and we had both been in sad moods. So we made a deal, sealed with a totally awesome handshake we came up with and danced around The Cave (our name for the English lab) to music. It worked because we both had an awesome week. Again, the teachers noticed and commented on how I didn't look depressed anymore. Nice of them....
Well, now it's past midnight and I have to wake up at 6am for a skype date. Mom, if you forget this skype date, you owe me a digial SLR.