I was bored at school today (nothing new) and I decided that since all the schools for some reason block the blogging websites, I'd write my next post in WORD and then copy and paste it here when I got back home. That was the plan anyway. Then I got home and for some dumb reason I can't copy and paste from WORD into the blog. Just my luck. So you don't get to hear about the funny restaurant stories, which, now that I think about it, are probably only funny to me because I was there. Maybe once I figure the copy and paste thing out I'll post it up here. So then I get a phone call from Cindy (the co-teacher who came to the ball game with me) saying that KB, the cell phone company I was going to get my phone hooked up with, had computer problem
s today so I have to go back on Monday. Then my bank was just peachy and wouldn't let me get a check card (like a debit card) and I have no idea why. This was all after school. During school I had my usual posse of girls who follow me around whispering (though I don't know why. I can't understand Korean anyway!) about this or that about me. Eventually one of them will get the courage to ask me whatever it was they were whispering about. Last week it was that the hair on my arms was so white and much longer than their black hairs. The week they were wondering if my arm pit hair was also white. Yesterday I had three teachers surounding me feeling my hair for about ten minutes unable to get over how blonde and smooth it was. When they found out I refuse to dye my hair they were in even more awe that it was my natural colour and not fake like pretty much every other North American female. I think both the teachers and students gained some over the last week. On the way to school today my co-teacher was bringing his daughter to her school. Once she was gone, I told him she was adorable. He didn't know the word, so I explained it meant "cute". So he says, "oh! I get it! she is adorable. Just like you!". Right....

It's Amanda's birthday on Sunday October 4th and since we're in Seoul on the weekend I thought I'd bake her a cake tonight. Sadly, I don't have many ingredients here so my options are rather limited. But, I went to the Underground Grocers last night so I had the ingredients for frosted banana bars. I almost wish I didn't go... I ate way too much frosting! But I made an amazing looking cake! We're going to surprise Amanda with it tonight. Her and Laura are coming up from Hwasun and staying over the night since we're leaving at 6:00 am for Seoul! I can't wait! Long weekend here I come!

Blonde moment for Tara (and I know you all loves these). I found out yesterday that a phone in your house is called a lanline. NOT a landline. Learn something new everyday right?!
Well, I think I should be starting to clean my apartment. It's so dirty. Doesn't help my vacuum cleaner is broken or that I have to walk down five flights of stairs to bring out the garbage and recycling. Kinda just builds up until it smells. Just joking Mom! It only got that bad once. Promise! Now before I say anything else I'll regret, I'm going to stop writing. oh, the pictures are a view from the bus stop of my school. I also put pictures from the last post on here that didn't work last time. The jazz band stuff.
I had a friend of mine, from Korea, who couldn't stop feeling my nose lol.