FINALLY autumn has arrived in Korea and I'm ecstatic! Autumn is by far my most favourite season. In my opinion it's far too short. The only problem with autumn is no snowboarding or wakeboarding, but you can still go horseback riding! Unfortunately you can't do any of those here anyway so I'm stuck with just looking and walking and taking pictures. Not that I'm complaining though! (ok, maybe I am a little depressed about the no horseback riding thing) Anyway, a lot has happened over the past week. I even made a list of "Things that'll only happen in Korea" and I'll post that eventually. It really is astounding how different our two cultures are! especially with what's acceptable and what's not...but you'll have to wait until later for that info!
Last weekend I was sick...all weekend. Made for quite a wonderful weekend hanging around my apartment coughing, popping meds, sniffing, and sleeping...I just loved it! (note the sarcasim) On the upside, Kristen was also sick so at least we were sick together and neither of us had to be super bored. Except with being sick. I still have an annoying cough that just won't go away, but other than every single co-teacher insisting I go to the hospital for it (seriously...it's a cough. I'm not dying here) I've been quite fine.
Despite being sick I met with an elementary teacher, Mi-Jang, who wants to improve her English. She's actually pretty good, but like every other Korean, is way too modest about it and thinks she's horrible! We got some coffee - well, she did and after going through the usual horrors of finding out I don't drink coffee or tea, she accepted that I'd have a smoothie...even though I insisted I didn't want anything at all!
We walked and talked and next time we're going to some underground biking thing...that's FREE! Guess I found my exercise station for the winter!
After we met with Kristen and Cindy to head downtown for the Gwangju Cultural Festival. It was awesome. We went through this castle like thing that showed Korean life in the 60s and 70s. At this disco section the poor DJ was having a hard time getting people to dance so Kristen, Cindy, and I took to the dance floor making the DJ a very happy person and gave onlookers a chance to take pictures and laugh. Mi-jang's only comment to me later that night when I asked how it was and if she had fun was "you shocked me! Dancing!" She's said that twice to me so far...I haven't figured out what she meant though I think she may come from a conservative family. I think she was embarassed by us!
Later we got our faces painted for free...and Cindy and Mi-jang got their nails done, for free. They couldn't believe I didn't want my nails done for free. Sure, it's free. But nails? not a chance. Nail polish and me just don't mix.
We also used holla hoops and beat all the kids. Then we saw STILTS! You know, those things you used in grade school? Loved them! so Kristen and I hijacked a couple and showed up all those little kids. We had a crowed watching us! Not sure if they were impressed or thinking "crazy insane tourists. Don't they know they're using KIDS stuff?"
This week was busy in school. Only one class cancelled this week and it wasn't my hated one. We had the Education Office people at my one school for their school evaluation that according to my co-teacher is only important to the Education Office people, but really it's not important at all. They only act like it is. Hmmm...
That was also the day of my Teachers Workshop which the teachers decided once again they didn't want to discuss stuff in English so we went to some river. They stood around and talked in Korean while I took pictures. For an hour. Then I got bored and just wanted to go. The place wasn't even super pretty. Then we drive the scenic way home and drive through the most beautiful mountains ever and past a gorgeous lake. Why we didn't stop THERE is beyond me! so I settled for taking pictures out the window while wishing I could walk along the lake. Sigh.
Yesterday we went to Naejangsan Mountain which is the most beautiful mountain in South Korea in autumn. We're still three weeks away from peek season here, but it was still gorgeous. I think I want to go back in three weeks! After minimal confusion getting there we hiked to find a waterfall on the map. Who knew that after two hours we'd get to where it was supposed to be, but it wasn't there. Not the season for water, duh. So we hiked back. And then up the steepest trail ever to get to the observation deck. It was either that or pay 4,000 won to get up there and we weren't about to wait in line nor pay for that. So being dead tired already, we hiked. After the most amazing view ever we took the cable car down because I'm pretty sure we would've rolled down the mountain if we climbed. At least we only had to pay 4,000 won once, not twice!
Today we had a church picnic in Damjung County, about 45 minutes outside Gwangju. We were at a beautiful park where we ate some amazing food. I have to say though, my salad and chocolate chip squares were a huge hit.
After lunch we played us some ball. T-ball that is. Who knew you could have a serious competitive T-ball game? Well, I've found something I suck at. Hitting the stupid baseball off a T! There was a "foul" line too and if it bounced within it then it didn't count so since I couldn't hit anything but grounders I struck out - each time. For those that know me, I hate losing. So I had to prove my worth in the field where I made some good plays so at least they'd let me play third base! Oh, they also have girls and guys bat. The girls is about the length of my arm. How am I supposed to hit with that? (although, we've already established I can't hit anyway) so I argued and they finally let me us the "guys" bat. At the end we tied...though we batted once less so I say we won. Then Kristen and I took charge to prove we can actually play ball and lobbed it to hit the ball and then they were impressed. Yes, I know, who cares right? but me being me had to prove I could do it. I'm sure all Korean's now think that I'm the most non-traditional woman ever, but what can I say? I don't do things the normal way!
So all in all it was an amazing weekend. Lots of fresh air, beautiful scenery, and some good 'ol T-ball! Now for the easiest week of my life... 12 classes cancelled, two school sports days and a school picnic. All while getting paid! Enjoy the pictures! Well, you probably already have since they're at the top. Later!