On Thursday I went to my third school that I teach at called Sinheung Middle School. I have a male co-teach

Lunch was interesting at the school. Their cafeteria is being fixed so they use the gym. They also share with the elementary school next to them so during our lunch there was a kids kar

My first teachers workshop was also that day. I hadn't been told what I was supposed to do so I came prepared with a bunch of introduction stuff. I pulled out a Zietsma teaching technique and told them that I'm not going to talk much in the workshop because it's there for their English to improve by speaking it not so I can talk to them about nothing. Thank-you Zietsma! I learned something from his class after all... What I learned from the workshop though is NEVER to ask a Korean English teacher their most embarrassing moment teaching. If you do, make sure they know what you mean. I got sob stories about how they are embarrassed because their English wasn't good enough or their teaching wasn't good enough... not exactly what I was going for. They also don't really understand the game two truths and a lie even though they told me they do. Oh well. I know now!
Ok so Hwasun. Kristen and I went to visit Laura and Amanda where they're living and teaching - Hwasun. It's a small city that's close to the mountains. We arrived late Friday night, missed our stop and had to take a taxi since we had no idea where we were. We ended up ordering pizza for the night and for those that know me well, I cannot eat anything past 6pm or I will feel sick. yep, I went to bed with a full stomach...not a good idea. Felt kinda gross in the morning. Then we had chocolate chip pancakes...also a bad idea. First because we were improvising with the ingredients we had plus leaving out a bit, but also because pancakes sit in my stomach a long time. Oh well, they were good! We went to go hiking the mountain around lunch time so we bought some Gimbap (not sure how to spell it...) which is basically rolled up rice and seaweed with veggies and meat in it. We had tuna. These mountains were so much nicer than the ones in Gurye. There was undergrowth here so it didn't look bare like in Gurye. We hiked halfway up, ate, then b

Here's an actual embarrassing story (not like the Korean ones!) There were also these outdoor bathrooms which were made of stone. We wanted to check them out, but weren't sure which one was the women's. We were certain there weren't anyone in either of them because we didn't hear anyone around (ok, I was certain there wasn't anyone around. I won't pin my stupidity on the other three girls!) So I checked one out. I picked the wrong one. Which had a man in it. Turned around thankfully, yet still completely naked. I am never doing that again.
On our way back we bought some Duckbooky (that's how it's pronounced...no idea how it's spelt!) which is basically rice something or other. These were round ball like things. I don't know how to describe them, but they tasted good. I probably won't make a habit of buying them though because they weren't THAT good. Just good.
Lastly, Kristen and I ended our day going to this grocery store under the bus terminal in Gwangju where I found out they sold MENTOS! I was so excited! Sure, they're not King or Wilhelmina Peppermints, but it's better than nothing! I now have church food for tomorrow! They also sell spices...which we were told are hard to find in Korea. Parsley, Thyme, Paprika, Basil... it was awesome. There still wasn't any vanilla extract or regular brown bread, but I'm hoping our Costco trip might provide those for me! We shall see!
In other news, I've finally decided to tackle cleaning my apartment. I was putting it off

I was telling Caitlin about how they don't have the right cereal, and she said to try to puff rice cereal. Pretty much it looks like puffed up rice in a bag. lol. She's not sure if they have it in Korea, but apparently it is super yummy. :]