I'm leaving the small town of Gurye today to move into my apartment and meet my co-teacher and possible go to my school to meet the principle as well. Apparently we could be teaching as early as tomorrow, but our company wants the schools to let us have the week to settle in and start next Monday. I wouldn't mind a few days to meet the teachers, visit the school, and assess what I should be teaching. Although we have been given lesson plans for the first few weeks so I think I'll be ok. We also have to get medicals, our alien registration card, health stuff, and a bunch of other stuff I don't remember. Uncle Ron is in Pusan right now...only a few hours from me. We were hoping to meet up in Gwangu where I'll be living, but since today was the only day that worked for him and I have all this running around to do we don't think it'll work. Which is too bad. But that's life.
Yesterday we went for our last hike up the torturous Jiri Mountain and then for a last swim in the waterhole where we found fish heads and bones everywhere...rather gross, but we were hot and wanted to swim. Then Kristen climbed up the rocks and fell down then...rather funny (once we realized she was ok), and she has a massive bruise to be jealous of! It's sweet really.
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