Crap. so I just accidentally deleted the next picture which was another one of the walk. I have deleted six pictures in this post already and it was a pain to upload them again and get them into the right spot so I give up and I'm not uploading that one. It was just another sunset picture from the park. I will put it on facebook if you really want to see if that badly.
This is of part of the walk way in front of my apartment after one of the snows.
My school after a snowfall. Sachung gets more snow than Gwangju does. As of this past week I have officially had snowball fights with every single school. Usually it involved me being covered in snow by the end. The day of this snow, Cindy and I got into a snow fight as soon as we got to school in the morning. There were students hanging out the windows cheering for us. Later, when I was teaching third grade, one of the boys says "Teacher, I saw you and Jae Kyung (Cindy's Korean name) teacher having a snowball fight this morning". I denied it. He persisted. The rest of the class then took his side saying they ALL saw me. Eventually I admitted that I did. So at the end of the class him and his friend come up to me and tell me that we should have a snowball fight together. Him and his friend verses me. I agreed. He was shocked that I agreed. So we said after lunch. Going to lunch that day Cindy and I snuck through another building to avoid them and on the way back he was already inside. Unfortunately for us the grade 2's were still having a snowball fight which we got stuck in the middle of. Cindy, being one of the least athletic people I know was getting creamed so I had to dodge snowballs being thrown at me while catching the ones being thrown at her. The students were surprised I could actually throw a snowball which was rather amusing when I saw their faces after being hit by a snowball thrown by me. The boy who I had a snowball fight date with saw me, yelled something out the window I said "ok" to even though I have no idea what he said. We still haven't had the snowball fight.
Ok, here's the last of my class pictures. This is the only grade three class at Samgye that I was able to take a picture with since the other two classes over half the class was at some trip of some kind so I couldn't get pictures with them. I have class shots of them on facebook though. This is 3-1, I think. This is my favourite class. But then I always say that about almost every class. They are also the one that is always late. Go figure.
Samgye 2-3. The boy in the middle wearing the hat is actually wearing my hat. Cindy gave me the hat at my Christmas party. It was from Baskin Robins and came with the cake she bought. I wore it to school that day, much to the delight of my students, and he wanted to wear it for the picture. He used to be a pain in the ass in my classes, but we understand each other now so it's all good. The other teachers complain about him though.
Samgye 1-4. This class is one of the best behaved and are very good at English.
Three of the students in Grade three painted pictures of all the teachers. I was told she picked my green shirt because she likes it the best. She also either started this before I got my hair cut or likes my hair better the way it was before!
Christmas! On our way to church and me not being impressed at the greenery. I wanted a white Christmas...
After church at the pizza/amazing better than KFC and much less greasier chiken party/gift exchange.
Joelle and me during the gift exchange. Kris won a massive bag of chocolates for one of the trivia questions and both Kris and Gabrielle got their names picked for the bike that could be won, but they didn't get it in the final draw. Everyone brought 10,000 won gifts and we played this game with them. I wanted a hat that some guy got, but I never rolled an even number so I couldn't switch my gift. I ended up with a book of some kind and a picture frame. Not the worst there was (I really didn't need an umbrella or bottle of olive oil). It was a lot of fun though.

In the end though, I was covered in snow and spent the rest of the day kicking myself for being so stupid because I was freezing. I now bring extra socks to school when it snows.
Lucky for me, I didn't learn from the first, second, or third time and last wednesday I had a snowball fight with my kids from Samseo. They weren't sure how I'd react to snow so at first they were just throwing it at my feet until I grabbed a snowball and threw it at them. Pretty quickly the other teachers bolted it for inside and it was left at me against all the boys in the school (only about 15, but still, I was alone). In the end, to make a long story short, I came back to the teachers office with snow dripping down my face, all over me, and in my ear. I lost. In my defence though, the teams weren't exactly fair.

So I'm pretty sure I have other stories that don't have pictures with them, but I'm going out tonight and I really need to shower (really need to shower). Plus my neck is sore from writing this.